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Green                                                                                                                                                                              Blue                                                                                                                                                                                  Red                                                                                                                                                                             Yellow?


Reflections                                                                                                                                                                        The Matrix as a Buddhist Metaphor                                                                                                                               Visual References to Other Movies                                                                                                                                 More Vertigo References?                                                                                                                                              Other Interesting Things to Look For

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Color Themes

This movie uses color themes, where a single color dominates many scenes in the movie. Some other movies I've seen that use this visual technique are The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, and Temptation of a Monk, to name just two. The three main colors (other than black) in the movie, in order of how often they occur are Green, Blue, and Red.


The green color theme starts at the very beginning of the movie, and it is the most often used theme. The green-on-black theme may be a reference to old monochrome computer monitors, which often displayed green on a black background. The original Compaq Portable computer was like this, for example.

Green theme notes:

The green and black opening title sequence of The Matrix seems influenced by another movie, Ghost in the Shell. In Ghost in the Shell, a Japanese animated movie, green digits on a black background rapidly change and then resolve into the title credit text. (The Matrix does it better, I think, but it is clearly the same idea.) Also, at the beginning of Ghost in the Shell, green wireframe-like graphics on a black background are used to represent cyberspace.

The first computer displays seen in the beginning of the movie Blade Runner (at the police station) also use these "retro" green-on-black displays.


Blue is the second most used color theme.

Blue theme notes:


There isn't much Red in the movie. It is used for a few particular things, rather than whole scenes.

Robert King contributes the following analysis:

Yellow Theme?

There is the possibility of a yellow theme, too.  The yellow could stand for the AIs' control in the Matrix. The Agents' jackets have yellow linings, and Neo's did too when he was in the office building. One theory is that this is a display of the cowardice of the wearer for being a cog in the System. In Tom's case for playing his part in the corporate world instead of being his true self. In the case of the agents for exploiting their superior powers to dominate and bully.Plus, the scenes with the Agents trying to break Morpheus (the AIs exerting control if they ever do) are yellow-tinted. However, they stop being yellow at all and turn to normal coloration when Neo and Trinity set the sprinklers going with the bomb-- when the Agents aren't in control of the situation any more. The fight between  Agent Smith and Morpheus in the hotel is yellow.


Reflections form another visual theme in the movie. Many of these may be seen in the characters' sunglasses. Most of these sunglass-lens reflections are probably digital effects and not "actual" reflections, because they either show things that are in the Matrix, or they are shot from such an angle that a real reflection would show the camera.

During the "woman in red" training sequence, if you look carefully at the reflections in Morpheus' sunglasses, they don't seem to reflect everything that they ought to. Neo's reflection is clearly there, but the background objects and other people seem to have vanished.

If you think about this from a technical point of view it makes sense. You can tell that the part where Morpheus freezes the simulation was shot against a coloured background (most likely green as used in the Neo Bullet Time sequence) so that the background & people could be digitally edited in later. Hence there are only three people actually in that room (Morpheus, Neo, and the Agent), which explains why you would only see Neo reflected in Morpheus's sunglasses. With this in mind maybe the other reflections seen throughout the movie are real and not digital effects.

Reflection notes:

The distorted reflections stand for the real world's interface with and control over the Matrix: Neo is rescued from the Matrix, the real overpowering the dream, through the molten mirror. The Oracle, the resistance's interface with the secrets of the Matrix, has a mirrored doorknob. The bending spoon, demonstrating the awakened’s ability to control the Matrix, reflects the spoon boy's face and Neo's. Lastly, the serum the Agents inject Morpheus with, looking for a controlling interface over his mind, appears quicksilvery, like mercury.

In the chat session with the Wachowski brothers, the following exchange occurs:

ThedrickFel says: What exactly was the mirror made of? Was it the same stuff they injected into Morpheus? Why silver?
WachowskiBros: The mirror is actually a mirror. When Neo sees it it's a hallucination, but it's the direct result of the pill Morpheus had given Neo. Reflections in general are a significant theme in the film. The ideas of worlds within worlds. The idea of the reflection, the two Neo's in Morpheus glasses represents the two lives that Neo is leading. In the left lens, we see the blue pill and Thomas Anderson, and in the right lens, we see the red pill and Neo.

The Matrix as a Buddhist metaphor

In the chat session with the Wachowski brothers, the following exchange occurs:

wrygrass says: Did ideas from Buddhism influence you in making the film?
WachowskiBros: Yes. There's something uniquely interesting about Buddhism and mathematics, particularly about quantum physics, and where they meet. That has fascinated us for a long time.

Visual References to Other Movies

More Vertigo References?

The initial chase scene in the Matrix across the rooftops with the cops pursuing Trinity is nearly identical in structure to the first scene in Vertigo, with some shots set up exactly as filmed by Hitchcock.

The elements seeming very similar are:


Other interesting things to look for

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